原初水晶的成因  Reasons for Establishing The Serenity State Crystal

原初水晶的成因 Reasons for Establishing The Serenity State Crystal









Why does demagnetization cause crystals to naturally undergo changes, forming them into a state of serenity?

The birth of serenity state crystals, in our contemplation, aligns with the fundamental essence, akin to many religious and spiritual practices, all of which involve subtraction.

Demagnetization is a form of subtraction.

Subtraction is also a form of non-action, as " all saintly beings are saintly because they act unconditionally." When demagnetizing crystals, we engage in the most pure and objective form of demagnetization, without adding any energy, beliefs, or conceptual projections to the crystals.

Through thorough demagnetization, crystals undergo a transformation that is inherent to the fundamental reality.

It is a manifestation of a more fundamental nature. During the demagnetization process, we observe that the energy of the crystals begins to resonate harmoniously as the demagnetization depth increases. The energy transforms into high-frequency energy initially, and as the demagnetization progresses, the energy becomes increasingly gentle and quiet, ultimately transforming into serenity state crystals.

This is why we believe serenity state crystals are born from the process of demagnetization.

All that is sacred is fundamentally silent and unknowable, and the pristine nature of serenity state crystals encompasses everything within.