左右手能量Left and Right Hand Energy








Is there a difference when holding crystal minerals in the left hand or right hand?

Yes, the effect of crystal energy varies when applied to the left or right hand.

Generally, the left hand influences the inner spiritual level primarily.

The right hand generally affects the interaction of internal and external energy states.

In summary: Left for inner, right for interaction.

Additionally: Left for spiritual, right for physical.

When is it suitable to use the left hand, and when is it suitable to use the right hand?

If the issue is related to personal traits or emotions, or the goal is to change one's own state, it is recommended to use the left hand more. If the issue involves interaction with others, or the goal is to change the interaction state with others, it is recommended to use the right hand more.

Ultimately, both left and right hands are needed for healing.

Is it correct that energy goes in from the left and out from the right?

Indeed, energy flows in from the left and out from the right, but this refers to the flow path. The common notion of left absorbing energy and right expelling energy is incorrect. Whether crystals are held in the left or right hand, they both expel negative energy and absorb positive energy. Energy in the human aura field circulates, creating a cycle, so both left and right hands eventually generate a cycle, involving both absorbing and expelling energy. The difference lies in the path, but the fundamental effect remains the same.

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