關於消磁卡  About Cleansing Cards

關於消磁卡 About Cleansing Cards















What is the Cleansing Card ?

The Source Cleansing Card is a sacred geometry designed specifically for use with Source Crystals. It facilitates a deep demagnetization process, purifying the crystals.

Can the Cleansing Card be used with other crystals?

The sacred geometry on the Cleansing Card activates only when it encounters Source Crystals, so it cannot demagnetize other types of crystals.

How to use the Cleansing Card ?

Place the Source Crystal on the Cleansing Card, and the demagnetization process will begin. The longer the crystal is placed, the cleaner the demagnetization. When demagnetizing, the crystal mineral releases finely decomposed negative energy. This type of negative energy cannot penetrate non-natural materials. Therefore, it is not recommended to place the card on plastic films or similar protective covers during demagnetization. This would trap the negative energy around the crystal, preventing it from grounding back to nature.

Can the Cleansing Card demagnetize multiple stones at once?

For the best results, it's recommended to use one card per crystal. If using multiple crystals, it is more effective to demagnetize crystals of the same type. Demagnetizing different types of crystals together may result in less effective demagnetization.

Can multiple Cleansing Cards be used to demagnetize one crystal?

Using multiple Cleansing Cards for one crystal is highly recommended. The more cards used, the higher the demagnetization efficiency, leading to a deeper healing experience over prolonged use.

Can Source Crystals be placed on the Cleansing Card as a decoration?

Source Crystals can be placed on the Cleansing Card as a decoration, offering continuous demagnetization. However, keep in mind that the energy will decrease to about 70%. The decision depends on individual preferences.

When does a crystal need demagnetization?

When you feel that the crystal's energy has diminished, the initial energy sensation or healing effect is no longer present, or holding the crystal becomes uncomfortable, demagnetization is highly recommended. The exact demagnetization interval varies from person to person based on their state and external influences.

How long does it take to demagnetize a crystal?

For optimal results, demagnetize the crystal whenever it is not in use. The longer the demagnetization period, the better.

Can crystals be demagnetized by others' touch or wearing?

Source Crystal energy healing is profound, and it is not recommended for others to wear or use the crystals. If accidental contact occurs, purification on the Cleansing Card is suggested.

If the Cleansing Card can demagnetize crystals effectively, why shouldn't others come into contact with them? 

Source Crystals' healing goes very deep, and the decomposed negative energy belongs to an extremely profound level of negativity. Even if the slightest residue of this negative energy remains in the crystal, it could potentially have a significant negative impact on another person. Therefore, from the perspective of eliminating any possible risks, we don't recommend sharing crystals for healing or letting others come into contact with them.

Can Source Crystals be demagnetized by other methods?

Source crystals can be demagnetized using 100% natural methods such as sunlight, flowing water, moonlight, etc., as auxiliary demagnetization methods. The reason is that the cleansing card does not demagnetize the "self-will" belonging to the user in the crystal. Sometimes, the "self-will" can be detrimental to the self, so natural energy from the environment can be used as an auxiliary demagnetization method.

Can Source Crystals be placed in crystal caves for demagnetization?

Source crystals can't be placed in crystal caves from other sources for demagnetization, nor is it recommended to place them next to crystals from other sources. Through long-term practice, it has been observed that Source crystals may end up demagnetizing the crystal caves and other crystals nearby. This can lead to the energy of Source crystals being in a weakened state and not sufficiently pure when users use them. Other demagnetization methods with artificial messages, such as flower essences, essential oils, incense, etc., are not suitable for demagnetizing our crystals.

If the Cleansing Card gets dirty, how to dispose of it?

To dispose of the Cleansing Card, draw a straight line in the center of the image, closing the consciousness within the sacred geometry, and then discard it.

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