• PB3060
  • PF3060

利比亞黃金隕石Libyan Gold Tektite. P

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NT$ 3,855.00
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NT$ 3,855.00
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NT$ 3,855.00
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通常發現於埃及與利比亞的天然玻璃,外觀呈現透明金黃色,能量溫暖強大。利比亞黃金隕石約形成於2,900 萬年前,其主要成分是近乎纯的二氧化硅,需要超過1,600℃的溫度才能形成。







  • 調整平衡太陽輪
  • 調整平衡所有其他脈輪
  • 替所有脈輪充能
  • 使頂輪智慧平衡顯化
  • 使眉心輪洞察力清晰
  • 使喉輪溝通觀點增強
  • 使心輪慈悲無執
  • 集合所有脈輪能量使太陽輪圓滿
  • 使臍輪增強具體
  • 使丹田輪氣和諧入靜
  • 使海底輪自我和諧



  • 適合想增強磁場,氣場,意志來自我保護者
  • 適合要長期提升能力上限者
  • 適合想要深度邏輯力,認知力,執行力,意志力者


  • 可隨身攜帶,隨時間慢慢受礦石影響成長
  • 可擺放在自己常處的空間:例如書房
  • 有空時多把玩,靜握礦石。隨時間慢慢感覺自己的改變。
  • 有冥想經驗者,可靜坐冥想時靜握在手上。
  • 不使用時記得放|原初™消磁卡|上消磁,以確保最佳功效


  • 附贈|原初™消磁卡|一張
  • 將礦石放置消磁卡上,即會自動開始消磁。從卡上拿開,即可使用。
  • |原初™消磁卡|詳細使用方法,請至Q&A>關於消磁卡


  • 原初水晶所有產品都經過特殊消磁,屬於客製化商品,不提供7天無條件退換貨服務
  • 天然的礦石可能會有冰裂紋/雲霧棉絮,介意者請勿購買。


A reason to own the Source Crystal™ Libyan Gold Tektite Raw Mineral:

After undergoing the Source Crystal™ deep cleansing process, the energy of the Libyan Gold Tektite expands from its original solar plexus energy to encompass all chakras, becoming a transcendent yellow light frequency. This transcendent yellow light frequency can heal all chakras, enhancing the maximum potential of all abilities on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels through the power of yellow light.

Each person’s eight energy centers have varying levels of inherent energy, and any deficiencies can limit their highest potential. The energy of the Source Crystal™ Libyan Gold Tektite helps integrate all energy centers, aiding in the release of the highest levels of insight, thinking, observation, execution, communication, willpower, empathy, and balance.

This transcendent yellow light frequency can help us achieve better results in our worldly endeavors.

If you feel you need more wisdom and ability to navigate the complexities of society and relationships, this is the reason you need this crystal mineral as a companion.

【Product Description】

It is a type of natural glass typically found in Egypt and Libya, it appears transparent golden yellow with powerful and warm energy. Libyan Gold Tektite is estimated to have formed around 29 million years ago, primarily composed of almost pure silica, requiring temperatures exceeding 1,600°C to form.

Recent mineral studies have discovered evidence of the presence of the high-temperature mineral reidite inside Libyan Gold Tektite, a mineral that forms only during meteorite impacts. Additionally, research indicates signs of high pressure and high-temperature conditions in the zircon crystals within Libyan Gold Tektite, consistent with traces of meteorite impact. These findings collectively suggest a connection between the birth of Libyan Gold Tektite and meteorite impacts.

【Product Information】

Product Code: P

Weight: 9g

Corresponding Chakras: Solar Plexus Chakra and all other chakras

【Healing Functions】

  • Adjust the balance of the Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Adjust the balance of all other chakras
  • Energize all chakras
  • Manifest wisdom balance in the Crown Chakra
  • Clarify insight in the Third Eye Chakra
  • Enhance communication and perspectives in the Throat Chakra
  • Instill compassion without attachment in the Heart Chakra
  • Harmonize all chakra energies to complete the Solar Plexus Chakra
  • Enhance specificity in the Sacral Chakra
  • Harmonize Qi and achieve tranquility in the Sacral Chakra
  • Harmonize self in the Root Chakra

Comprehensive effects: Strengthen decision-making, clear consciousness, heighten empathy, improve understanding, experience joy and satisfaction, stabilize emotions, boost energy, enhance thinking capacity, strengthen action, enhance willpower, and holistically heal the Solar Plexus Chakra and recharge all chakras.

【Suitable For】

  • Those in need of elevating the functions of all chakras
  • Individuals lacking in logic, cognitive ability, executive function, and willpower
  • People in need of boosting energy, especially conscious energy for self-protection

【Usage Instructions】

  • Carry it with you to gradually benefit from the stone's influence over time.
  • Place it in a space you frequent, such as your study room.
  • Spend time handling and holding the stone, and gradually notice the changes in yourself over time.
  • If you have meditation experience, hold it in your hand while meditating.
  • When not in use, remember to place it on the Source Crystal™ Cleansing Card to ensure optimal efficacy.


  • Includes one Source Crystal™ cleansing card
  • Place the mineral on the cleansing card to automatically start demagnetization. Remove it from the card to use.
  • The instructions for using the Source Crystal™ cleansing  card, please refer to Q&A > About Cleansing Cards.


  • All products from Source Crystal undergo special demagnetization and are considered customized items. Therefore, we do not offer a 7-day unconditional return and exchange service.
  •  Natural minerals may have ice cracks/cloudy inclusions; if you mind these, please do not purchase.

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